Task 1 Present a classmate to a group.

      Me with my family^^ 

My feelings on doing the task 1 

For a start, I’m really happy to share this task 1 with all of you through this blog.
 I visited several classmates blogs, read their task 1 texts and watched videos.
They’ve done well. After I read their texts it made me feel  more closer to them and I could understand  how hard they studied.
I enjoyed doing this task 1 although it gave me little stress, because I had to record myself for the public. Some of you already know that I am  bit of a shy person. When I meet someone 
who speaks English, I try to hide from them. But, after I practiced recording myself I 
found that I am getting better and better with my English speaking. Also it gives me self-confidence.
So, now I know how to improve my English speaking skills through this course. Practice as 
much as I can before I record and review what I have recorded and find out mistakes from it. Afterward do it again until I am satisfied.
Of course , I have to put a lot of time into this process. That is why I am studying here 
otherwise I can not improve my English skills.
I hope all of you enjoy this course and develop your English for social and  communities.


  1. Hi Caiden,
    you have done well in your corrections. Don't forget "practice doing something" so "after I practised recording myself..." We also say "put time into something" so "I have to put a lot of time into this process".Otherwise, it's looking good:-)

    1. Hi Frances
      Thanks for correcting me, I have corrected.^^

  2. Frances MorgansMar 19, 2012 09:18 PM

    Hi Caiden. Well done! I am really impressed with your video. What I like about is that you have a very friendly manner and look like you are really enjoying yourself. Also, your pronunciation is very clear and the way you you pauses in your presentation makes you very easy to understand. Keep up the good work!
    Judy WuMar 20, 2012 06:07 AM

    Caiden, I very like your manner as well. I have learn some from your video to improve my presentation for next task. You may find some problems from my video, I spoke too fast.
    Many thanks for your comment on my presentation. I have updated my blog to make it better looking. You know I am so dumb with computer skills. I am sorry for some information about your children I mentioned incorrectly.I will change it with another video as soon as possible.

    Frances MorgansMar 27, 2012 08:11 PM

    It's good to see other class members commenting on each others work. Here are some corrections:
    1. I really like your manner.
    2.I have learned from your video how to improve my presentation for the next task..
    3. I am sorry for giving some incorrect information about your children.


    just1c3Mar 22, 2012 03:47 PM

    Caiden, you are my class'rep. i am so interested your presentation skill. my English speaking is my problem. so i have to learn more about the english speaking.


    Frances MorgansMar 27, 2012 08:15 PM

    It's good to see that Justine feels she can learn from her classmates. We say
    "I am interested in something" so "I am interested in your presentation skills"

    Xuan ZengMar 22, 2012 05:41 PM

    Hi Caiden, I like your make up. You are not only beautiful but also gentle. I admire your studying so hard.
    Lynn ZhengMar 23, 2012 01:00 AM

    Hi Caiden,

    I am so enjoyed your video especially your natural kiwi sounds.


    Frances MorgansMar 27, 2012 08:16 PM

    Lynn is right- you have some very natural kiwi sounds, Caiden.
    Correction " I really enjoyed your video"

    DanMar 24, 2012 02:17 AM

    Hi Caiden, your presentation is very good,and you made me impress with Judy~~~I need to learn some skills from you. I always like your good attitude for study.

    Frances MorgansMar 27, 2012 08:19 PM

    You are a role model for your classmates Caiden!
    Correction: a good attitude towards something" so "I like your good attitude towards your study"
