Task 3 Research a religion

 Eshan is my home stay student, who is Muslim.  So I researched Islam.

Religions are always a difficult issue for old and new.
I am a Christian, I believe in God. Perhaps, I can tell myself I am a strong believer in God. To prove this to you^^, last year I read the whole Bible in Korean, it took me one year to read. This year I am reading it in English, so far it’s good to read the bible in English which makes me proud of myself.

You might guess that I know about my religion as Christianity.
Here is my answer, that I am getting to know more and more about my God and my Jesus as Savior through this task 3, even though I researched a different religion than mine.

I researched Islam. Before I researched it, I was always confused between Islam and Muslim, what is the difference between them?
Islam is religion and Muslim is the believer, they believe their God as Allah.
Now it is very clear to me what is what.

One of my previous home stay student gave me a Qur’an as present before he want back to his own country last year. Qur’an is their bible.

Actually I didn’t like to have the Qur’an at all, because as I said I am Christian and I have my one Bible. Why did he give me this book? I didn’t  even I didn’t want to look at it. Now I don’t mind having it and reading it as long as I believe in our God.

While I researched about Islam, I’ve found  that there are some similarities between Christianity and Islam.  In the Qur’an, it says about Jesus which Christians believe as son of God as God, but they believe him as a prophet as a Moses. Humm.. That seems similar but huge different as well.

I have a big question mark in my mind. This seems like we believe in the same God but it is different.  And I had to research some more about Judaism as well.
Still I haven’t found exact fact, maybe I can not find the fact, humans are merely a creation of God, how can I know everything what and how God, the creator have done for whose creation? The question mark, I just leave with God for now, and I do believe in God as usual, should be more faith in God. But I still made an appointment with my minister and I will see Ricky Water who is co-ordinating Chaplain at Unitec to know that the history of the Christianity, Islam and Judaism and difference among them.

This task made me think about the history among  the Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This is very useful for developing my knowledge of religion, but as religion is a sensitive topic, I have to be very careful when talking about it.
To me, I only want to know about my God, we as Christian believe in only single God. I was interested with the task3 but also I didn’t like to research different religion from what I believe in, and put in the public. If we want to know different religion we can research  individually, not in public.

If this topic is about my religion, I would love to do it in enjoyable.^^
I also shared my religion as Christianity with my classmate.
Here is conversation with Lynn.

Here is another conversation with Justine.



  1. Hi Caiden,

    I always enjoy looking at your tasks and task 3 was also enjoyable to look through! Your interview with your homestay student was a really good conversation- very natural and very interesting to listen to.

    Here are some corrections:

    “To prove this to you, last year I read……”

    research something- “I researched Islam”

    “Why did he give me this book? I didn’t even want to look at it”

    I don’t mind +verb+ing- “Now I don’t mind having it and reading it”

    This seems like we believe in the same God”

    “This is very useful for developing my knowledge of religion”

    …”but as religion is a sensitive topic, I have to be very careful when talking about it”

    I was interested to hear your reservations on researching a religion different from your own. You are right when you say that religion can be a sensitive topic but if we share our religions with each other and understand more about other religions, can it be a less sensitive subject?

    Well done with task 3, Caiden- you did an excellent job!


    1. Dear Frances
      Thanks your commennts and correction, I corrected them.^^
      Even I wasn't sure that "research something" I kept say that "research about something" From now I think I won't use it again.
      You always give me a courage that I want to do more into the ESCP task..^^
      Thanks again.

  2. hi caiden its so good to watch your video its interesting nice work keep up:-)

    1. Hi Alame
      Today your hair was so~~ beautiful!!! You like a model!
      I really want have that kind of extension hair..^^

  3. Hi Caiden, I'm so enjoyed your video, it's fantastic. The natural talking is I will follow to. Thanks a lot.

  4. When you visited my home I should introduce my homestay student Eshan who I interviewed to. he was a downstair at that time.
    See you tomorrow^^
